Posts Tagged ‘skin care tips’

8 Simple Skin Care Tips To Help Prevent Acne Breakouts

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014

Tired of acne breakouts and popping zits? Acne is a chronic, stubborn problem for many people. TwinLuxe co-founder Anthony Tsai has endured a life-long struggle with acne and has finally figured out a winning recipe for minimizing and avoiding breakouts. He has done no scientific studies to support his below tips but does have 20+ years of (more…)

6 Easy Skin Care Tips For The Perfect Complexion

Sunday, November 3rd, 2013

easy-simple-skin-care-tips-for-menTired of breakouts, pimples, and bad skin?  Below are 6 simple tips to help you achieve a great complexion:


1. Wash your face in the morning and nights – Wash your face to get rid of any oil accumulation in your pores after you wake up and right before you go to bed.  This will minimize the chances of acne breakouts.  Imagine going to bed with a greasy face…you’ll be smearing all that oil onto your pillow case night after night.


2. Wash your pillow case weekly – Don’t wait several weeks to wash your pillow case.  Make it a habit to wash your pillow case at least weekly.  This will ensure your face doesn’t encounter an oily pillow case, especially even more so if you use hair styling products such as hair gel, wax, or paste.  Assuming you take your showers in the morning, using these types of hair styling products (more…)

The Morning Rush Skin Care Routine

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

Like most working professionals, your mornings are precious.  Time is precious.  Get your kids ready (if you have them) and get yourself ready.  Then eat breakfast and rush out the door.  Because of the lack of time, people including myself sometimes neglect or shorten their morning skin care routines.  I bet a lot of men who are reading this sometimes even just roll out of bed, splash water on their faces, pat it dry, and then run out the door in the mornings.  So what is a good effective fast 2-minute routine to follow when time is an issue? (more…)